Bleeding Edge
Wails is in constant development and new releases are regularly "tagged". This usually happens when all the newer code
on master
has been tested and confirmed working. If you need a bugfix or feature that has not yet made it to a release,
it's possible to use the latest "bleeding edge" version using the following steps:
git clone
cd wails/v2/cmd/wails
go install
NOTE: The directory that you cloned the project into will now be called "clonedir".
The Wails CLI will now be at the very latest version. To update projects to use the latest version, update the project's
and ensure the following line is at the bottom of the file:
replace => <clonedir>
On Windows:
replace => C:\Users\leaan\Documents\wails-v2-beta\wails\v2
On 'nix:
replace => /home/me/projects/wails/v2
To revert back to a stable version, run:
go install
Testing a Branch
If you want to test a branch, follow the instructions above, but ensure you switch the branch you want to test before installing:
git clone
cd wails
git checkout -b branch-to-test --track origin/branch-to-test
cd v2/cmd/wails
go install
Testing a PR
If you want to test a PR, follow the instructions above, but ensure you fetch the PR and switch the branch before installing.
Please replace [IDofThePR]
with the ID of the PR shown on
git clone
cd wails
git fetch -u origin pull/[IDofThePR]/head:test/pr-[IDofThePR]
git checkout test/pr-[IDofThePR]
git reset --hard HEAD
cd v2/cmd/wails
go install